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Pelikan Blue: This Animated Hungarian Film is A Treat

Being of a certain generation, we’ve always maintained that the 1980s and 1990s were simpler times. That’s probably the rose-tinted view of history talking but show us anything set in that period and we’re going to love it for the nostalgia factor alone. The Hungarian animated film, Pelikan Blue delivers on that and much more.

Via www.mubi.com

Created by filmmaker and animator László Csaki, the project was “discovered” at Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and has recently been doing the rounds of the festival circuit.

The film tells the story of three young men with a hankering to discover the world that’s just opened up to them after the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. Big on dreams but short on funds, they hit upon a scheme that will allow them to see Europe by forging Hungarian Railways’ international tickets. Needless to say, things start to spiral out of control and the authorities get involved…

The film has a unique style in that it’s told in a world of 2D animation but with a poppy, faced-paced documentary style. Not only that, there’s also meticulous attention paid to the period details and a classic accompanying soundtrack.

The overall impact is a fun ride down memory lane packaged in a fast-paced story with exceptional visual integrity. We highly recommend seeking out this gem of a Hungarian film!

Flatpack Films has years of experience servicing international brands, agencies, and production companies. Filming in Hungary is easy when relying on their knowledge of the market and ability to solve complex needs. They bring the best that Hungary has to offer in terms of unique locations, exceptionally skilled crews, top-of-the-line equipment and technical solutions. Backed by an impeccable track record, Flatpack Films has worked with world-class clients including Samsung, Samsonite, Toyota, Braun, Chivas Regal and many more.

Get in touch and learn more about Budapest film locations, Hungarian film incentives, film tax credits in Hungary and how Flatpack Films can bring your project to life through a highly bespoke approach.