Filmed in Hungary: The Munsters 2022
zita kisgergely
via the @rodzombieofficial Instagram account
Hungary has seen its share of horror movies and series filmed in the country in recent years. Projects include the very popular Witcher series and films Don’t Breathe, Underworld, World War Z, and the acclaimed folk-horror film Midsommer. State-of-the-art technology used by local studios, low production costs, and the naturally spooky atmosphere one can find in this part of the world make conditions ideal for production of the genre.
While The Munsters isn’t horror — it’s more of a comic comment on the genre’s conventions — the recently released reboot of the tv show found a safe space for production in Hungary as the pandemic wound down, and restrictions were relaxed. An update of the hugely successful 1960s show, The Munsters was directed by Rod Zombie, whose previous forays into horror included House of 1000 Corpses and the Halloween remake.
Budgeted at around 40 million dollars, the film is loaded with visual effects and custom-built sets, including a reconstruction of the famous Munster family home on Mockingbird Lane, in all its haunted glory. It’s reported that Zombie originally wanted The Munsters filmed in black and white, like the show, but was convinced that color was the way to go after re-envisioning the characters as “cartoon characters come to life” once he’d seen them in full makeup.
set via via the @rodzombieofficial Instagram account
set via via the @rodzombieofficial Instagram account
While the Netflix-release feature-length film has received mixed reviews for its script and direction, the technical production got high marks from several critics, including a glowing notice from Rogerebert. com: “few movies this year have as much color in every composition, nor as much care put into navigating the beautifully-silly-but-expertly-crafted sets. Zombie and director of photography Zoran Popovic use every trick in the book, both guilelessly iconoclastic (stab zooms for punchlines, shaky, handheld dutch tilts during scenes of chaos) and tightly assured (the camera practically floats around corridors and down stairs). It’s a preposterously pretty movie, laying its every impulse on the table like a hand of cards.”
You can see The Munsters now on Netflix, buy it on Blu-ray, or just enjoy the trailer below.
Flatpack Films has many years of experience dedicated to offering expert servicing. It has brought the best of Hungary to countless brands, agencies, and production companies through its unique locations, exceptionally skilled crews, top of the line equipment and technical solutions. Backed by an impeccable track record, Flatpack Films has worked with world-class clients including Samsung, Samsonite, Toyota, Braun, Chivas Regal and many more - bringing their projects to life through a highly bespoke approach.