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Borderlands: Science Fiction Movie Filmed in Budapest

zita kisgergely

Newly released in cinemas in August 2024, Borderlands is a science fiction action-comedy film directed by Eli Roth and based on the video game series created by Gearbox Software. While the story of the film takes place on the fictional planet of Pandora, its real-world backdrop was Budapest, Hungary, where filming took place in 2021 and 2023.  

From Imdb

The Story

The plot of Borderlands follows the journey of Lilith, outlaw and notorious bounty hunter who is drawn back to her troubled home planet. Lilith (played by Cate Blanchett) is tasked with a mission to find the missing daughter of the most powerful man in the universe, Atlas. A team of misfits is assembled to get the task done, but things soon turn complicated as dark secrets of the planet are uncovered.

The Setting

Filming took place in Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2021 when stringent regulations were introduced to ensure that scheduled projects could keep being made. Further reshoots took place in 2023.

Origo Studios in Budapest was used as well as old mines and quarries to capture the other worldly atmosphere of the story.

The Reviews

As yet, reviews of the film have not been kind. Principally there has been criticism levied at the narrative itself, as well as suggestions that a decision may have been made in post-production to recalibrate the film as PG-13 rather than according to the originally planned R-rating. Supposedly this was done to widen the film’s appeal but instead may end up alienating the original game’s fans.

But reviews are one thing and audience appeal another, so it’s early days yet. 

Budapest as a Filming Location

Budapest has served as a film location for a wide variety of film genres. Beyond period, drama, comedy and action, successful science fiction movies have filmed here including The Martian, Spectral, Blade Runner 2049, Dune (parts 1 & 2) and Gemini Man.

For international productions, Hungary has become the most popular filming destination in Europe after London thanks to the country’s generous tax incentives, cost-effectiveness, as well as the availability of highly skilled crew.

Sources & further information:




Flatpack Films has years of experience servicing international brands, agencies, and production companies. Filming in Hungary is easy when relying on their knowledge of the market and ability to solve complex needs. They bring the best that Hungary has to offer in terms of unique locations, exceptionally skilled crews, top-of-the-line equipment and technical solutions. Backed by an impeccable track record, Flatpack Films has worked with world-class clients including Samsung, Samsonite, Toyota, Braun, Chivas Regal and many more.

Get in touch and learn more about Budapest film locations, Hungarian film incentives, film tax credits in Hungary and how Flatpack Films can bring your project to life through a highly bespoke approach.